Document Retention Best Practices & State Guidelines

how long do you need to keep business records

These include your company formation documents, such as articles of incorporation (for corporations) and articles of organization (for LLCs). Ultimately, you’ll be safe following the rules of retention laid out by the IRS. But if you want to hold onto those records longer, it won’t hurt to have them available if you need them.

How Long Should You Keep Business Tax Records?

But if you have a complicated return that intentionally underreports income, then the IRS has six years to check the records and normal balance assess more tax. One of the benefits of keeping electronic records is that you don’t have to store piles of receipts in a filing cabinet. Archive your old records so that you can access them years into the future, anytime you need. For example, when you pay for a client lunch, your bank account will show the payment for the lunch.

Business Tax Returns

In some cases, the IRS can audit your business after the three-year mark. If you don’t report more than 25% of your gross income, you must keep records for six years. If you claim deductions from worthless securities or bad debt, you need to hang onto records for seven years. If you decide not to file a return, you must keep your records indefinitely. And the IRS also notes that you should keep your business records indefinitely if you file a fraudulent return.

If you omitted income from your return

how long do you need to keep business records

If you received property in a nontaxable exchange, your basis in that property is the same as the basis of the property you gave up, increased by any money you paid. You law firm chart of accounts must keep the records on the old property, as well as on the new property, until the period of limitations expires for the year in which you dispose of the new property. In addition to documenting the disaster by filing a claim and taking photographs of the damage, you should also request your tax return transcripts in the event you need them for an audit.

  • Most attorneys, accountants and accounting services suggest that original tax-related documents be retained for at least seven years.
  • In general, seven years is an adequate time for defending against tax audits, litigation and other claims against one’s company.
  • One of the easiest, fastest, and safest ways to archive important physical documents is digital scanning and conversion.
  • Pension and retirement plans might fall under both IRS and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) rules.
  • You can toss most monthly bills after you pay them, or after the payments have credited to your bank statement.
  • Depending on your business and the state where you’re located, you might have many types of HR records that fall under the jurisdiction of different government agencies.

Hang onto your company formation documents like articles of incorporation or articles of organization. You’ll also want to keep titles, shareholder meeting minutes, permits and licenses, insurance documents and any contracts. As tempting as it may be to toss everything once the IRS says you don’t need to keep it, you might want to think twice. Your insurance company or creditors may require that you hold onto things for a little longer. There’s no need to keep piles of paper or shoeboxes of receipts lying around. You can use an electronic record-keeping system to keep things organized.

More In File

how long do you need to keep business records

A home safe doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive, like something you’ve probably seen in the movies (no need for hidden wall safes behind artwork). A simple lockbox you can grab and go is perfect for storing documents in the event of a home fire or flood. You can toss most monthly bills after you pay them, or after the payments have credited to your bank statement. If you end up needing to go back to verify anything, see if you can access past bills through online account access. Many companies keep past bills and invoices available online for the past few months or longer. It’s one of the first things that will be requested should you want to sell your company or be involved in an audit or lawsuit.

how long do you need to keep business records

Understanding how long should you keep business records will help you avoid these problems. Whether you’re wondering how long to keep bank statements or how long to keep pay stubs, business record retention is critical for your financial record keeping. Read on to learn about retention periods for your accounting documents. As a business owner, you likely have various documents in storage, such as tax returns, personnel records, and bank statements. Unfortunately, how long do you need to keep business records no single, steadfast retention rule applies to all kinds of records, meaning you need to categorize your files and create a document retention policy (DRP). Purchases, sales, payroll, and other transactions you have in your business will generate supporting documents.

  • Either invest in a shredder for your home or utilize a professional shredding service.
  • In addition to employee tax information, you should keep all human resources files for any employee, current or former.
  • If you find yourself in an employment tax obligation problem, you may consult a professional for payroll tax solutions to help you gather the right documentation for your business and employees.
  • Supporting documents include sales slips, paid bills, invoices, receipts, deposit slips, and canceled checks.
  • You must be able to prove certain elements of expenses to deduct them.

The IRS can audit your return and you can amend your return to claim additional credits for a period that varies from three to seven years from the date you first filed. (These time frames are known as “periods of limitations.”) But it’s a good idea to use seven years as your guide for keeping these documents. In fact, you can be downright inundated with records… from tax returns and expense receipts to invoices, canceled checks, payroll records, bank statements, meeting minutes—the list goes on. Closing a business includes many steps, such as canceling licenses and permits, and sometimes transferring ownership.

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